SUPSI                                                                                                    In Partnership with:     COREP      RAMS&E   


Companies interested in participating to MASIEO for 2014/2015
(list continuosly updated):

Ahlstrom ITT Michelin Michelin

It is possible for companies to collaborate with SUPSI and COREP in defining University Master program, by alternating classroom lectures, internship activities and project works to be performed in the sites proposed by the sponsors.

Companies are proposed an innovative approach to:

•    Select and train their engineers with high quality didactics

•    Ensure a high professional level to be used for major projects

•    Contribute to the enrichment of the company know-how

The company selects and sponsors one or more participants autonomously within their employees/contacts or from a proposed list of pre-selected candidates by SUPSI and COREP; in this way a contribute to MASIEO is given.

The company assigns an operative project work (agreed with the Master Scientific Committee) to each participant which will be reported in the final thesis for the course. The company will host for a period of about 11 months the participant/s to realize the project work on the field. 

Every participant will be tutored by highly professional experts from SUPSI or RAMS&E.

MASIEO duration  is of 12 months and, on average, the attendees will spend every month 1 week in the classroom and 3 weeks in the company to carry out their project works

The required sponsorship to companies to activate a single project work is of 15.000,00 Euro

Companies will also be required, in case the candidate is not already their employee, to guarantee a reimbursement of expenses of about 600 Euro per month to the student for the project work (ruled by direct agreement by the company and the selected candidate).

Deductible for tax purposes, the provision by way of sponsorship also allows your company to benefit  other opportunities listed here

The company has no lien against the candidate at the end of the stage of the Master.


Insurance coverage during the internship are guaranteed by COREP.

If you were willing to cooperate with us as a sponsor for this Master, please send the pre-accession module (not binding, downloadable here below) duly completed and signed not later than 5th November 2014.



Following this pre-accession, COREP and SUPSI will identify the candidates potentially interested to develop the proposed project work by each company and, upon obtaining the consent of them, will make available their resumes and organize the talks with company' representatives. 

These will evaluate candidates and select those potentially most suitable for the project work in their premises.

Approximately talks will take place in the period 24 November -5 December 2014.

In case it is not possible to carry out the matching student / project work, the company can pick up the pre-accession at no cost; instead, if the candidate is identified for the project work in a company, this will be required to formalize the sponsorship within next 20th December 2014.

For any questions and for further information please contact:

Dr. Emanuela Ovcin, tel. +39 011 19 742 461, e-mail: